As long as the attention span of consumers doesn’t stay at its minimum threshold, its difficult to market a product with any kind of content. a 3 second hook followed by a body of interesting and relevant piece with an ending that makes you watch it on loop makes a traditional short content video go viral.
but where are the eyeballs actually, does this formula work literally on anything and everything ? i have seen more content on how to make reels go viral than actual viral reels. so how come so many people have an idea of what it takes to make that next viral video without having one themselves. the market of content creation multiplies in every 3 days today. everyone wants thats one monetised channel that one blog which goes viral and help them affiliate there product or sell a service or two.
but the fact that most of these starts are mostly never converted into real attention gaining eyeballs or are even kept consistent is what we are talking about. I think of good content as good music. what is a good piece of music for you doesn’t make it good to me. similarly you cant create a content for everyone.
a good piece of music requires a ton and ton of work at the backstage, a good composition followed by lyrics to go along and a voice that matches the vibe of it, a single part of it if may go wrong makes it just another song of the album. there is no formula of making a piece of content go viral but the very idea which leads to that content, art of story telling behind it and speaking what you yourself would love to see make grab that attention of the few who are keenly interested in that topic alike you.